Esta pregunta que ahora nos hacemos todos ya no es sólo el ciudadano el que se la plantea. En Almería, también lo hace el equipo de oposición al Gobierno local. Así, el grupo ha declarado que los trabajadores de esas empresas «no son agentes de la autoridad» y que las multas que ponen las empresas concesionarias de la ORA «no tienen respaldo legal».
Lo que es más, el PSOE local ha puesto a disposición de los ciudadanos el modelo a rellenar para todos aquellos «que deseen recurrir la denuncia». La concejala socialista Clara Inés Rodríguez ha criticado que se vayan a ampliar las calles con zona azul en la localidad andaluza, puesto que su objetivo es «recaudatorio».
Rodríguez ha pedido al PP local «detenerse a estudiar la legalidad de esta normativa y de que los trabajadores de la concesionaria pongan multas sin que estén refrendadas por un agente de la policía municipal, que es quien sí está habilitado para imponerlas».
Sigue leyendo:
– Los controladores de la O.R.A., ¿se consideran agentes de la autoridad?
A very basic answer to the deinerffce between MLM and the Pyramids ?MLM will have a product/service where you will earn money from the volume of product that people in your network buy.Pyramids usually people exchange money with no product/service, usually only one person is paid when they have moved to a particular position ie: top of the triangle/pyramidYes you are quite right regarding the structure of organisations eg: Govt. President Senators Advisors PublicSchool Principal Heads of Dept Teachers StudentsCo. Boss Supervisors Team Leaders WorkersBut no money is changing hands for no prod/service in these structuresAlot of people have lost money in both in Pyramids they may have paid money to join the scheme but it may have collapsed before they reached the top of the pyramid therefore they would not have been paid the money promised once they’d reached the top.. they did’nt reach the top.In MLM they had paid to join, spent money on products, invested time and money recruiting people to join under them and promoted the opportunity only to find that the company may not be stable, owners may run off with the money, they may not be able to pay your commission cheques . sometimes its not the company it is the people not working the program that is the prob the list goes onAlot of the time all these schemes/plans/systems work its actually the people involved who fail to work at them I hope this helps